5A: Event Flier Project

Can I just say that I now know why designers charge so much for their services!! I have gone through so many different drafts with this project. I have been frustrated with this project, but I have still enjoyed the process! I know as I do more of this kind of work, it will come quicker to me.

Message/Audience: My audience is both hearing and deaf members of my community.  My message is an invitation to come and experience storytelling in ASL. The audience would also be able to learn a few signs.

Process: Like I mentioned above, I have so many drafts and revisions put into this project. The initial project that I submitted to be critiqued is so -almost embarrassingly- plain compared to my final draft. I have played with color schemes and sizing of the picture. I have aligned and realigned text! I have played with borders! This has truly shown me the work that goes into a design project!

My color scheme is a tetradic scheme using lime, violet, indigo, and gold. Photo sources at the very bottom.

Critique Report: I submitted two versions of my project on Facebook. Jesus Arredondo, Todd Edwards, and Christiano Trinidado critiqued my projects. Their suggestions included minimizing  the amount of text since it seemed busy and leaving the photo bleeding off both sides of the page. I completely agreed that there were just too many words. I changed my color scheme completely and even my pictures (I realized that I only had one picture instead of the required two).

I critiqued Zach Williams and Seattle Benson.

Font Name/Category: Title & Heading – Broadway (Decorative/Modern), Body copy – Ariel (sans serif).

Community ASL Event Flier Project 5A Two hands touching to form a heart shape in front of a row of books. Titled Read With Hands.















This is my screenshot from Word. There are SO many layers to this project!

Screenshot of Project in Word. Community ASL Event Flier Project 5A Two hands touching to form a heart shape in front of a row of books. Titled Read With Hands.


photo sources: Heart HandsPurple ASL symbolBooks

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