6A Slide Design

I chose the talk “Look to the Book, Look to the Lord” by Elder Gary E. Stevenson. This talk was given this past October General Conference (Saturday afternoon session, Oct. 1, 2016).

Speaker’s Outline:

“Look to the Book, Look to the Lord”

  • October 1, 2016 Saturday afternoon session General Conference

Mary Elizabeth Rollins

  • Met missionaries, asked Brother Whitmer to borrow Book of Mormon
  • Read a lot of the book overnight
  • Joseph Smith gifted her a Book of Mormon


  • Book of Mormon is the keystone of your testimony
  • Keystone is most important stone in the arch

My Witness

  • My experience
  • Met Japanese grandmother
  • Bore my testimony in Japanese, she was touched

Your Witness

  • Each of you can receive your own witness
  • Book of Mormon was written for you day, for you
  • Moroni’s vision


  • Put away electronics, open the scriptures
  • Seven hours a day on electronics


  • Moroni’s promise
  • Christ is referenced approximately every 1.7 verses

With a sincere heart and real intent

  • Moroni’s promise
  • Scriptures will strengthen your faith, fill your soul with light, and prepare you for the future

Message/Audience: The message of my slide was to encourage the audience to gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon. The audience was those in attendance and watching General Conference. from all over the world, I chose a complementary color scheme using gold and indigo. The font is in Candara (sans serif). I struggled with this a bit feeling that my slides were very plain, but I found that even something as simple as a shadow could make an element pop. I didn’t want a lot of white, so I chose a bold indigo color to fall as the backdrop and act as whitespace for the slides. My slides are obviously not close to my sketches. I really appreciated the talk I chose. It has strengthened my testimony.

Critique: I critiqued Pollyanna Reyes’ and Erika Martinez’s blogs.

Here are my sketches.
6A Slide Design sketches
Image Sources:

Woman kneeling to pray

Girl reading by the fireplace

iPad with Gospel Library App open

Elder Gary E. Stevenson

Arch with Keystone

Highlighted scripture

Book of Mormon and Gold Plates

Moroni burying the Gold Plates


2 thoughts on “6A Slide Design

  1. megankezellrempel says:

    Hi Leah! I love this slide design you did. I love the images you choose to represent your text. I also really like the boxes around your titles, it really makes them stand out. I also like the repeating color in all of your titles, it really ties the whole project together. Great job!
    Here is a link to Kelly Coppin’s blog: https://kellycoppin.wordpress.com/blog/
    Here is the link to my blog: https://megankezellblog.wordpress.com/


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