10A Movie Poster Project

Message/Audience: My message is to entice others to come see the X-Files movie and realize that “the truth is out there”. 😉 It is appealing to Sci-fi fans and moviegoers alike.

Process: I chose the X-Files poster on the criterion that I could photoshop my hubby into the photo as well so that it wasn’t just me on the poster and because I was once told (either by a friend or a Facebook doppleganger quiz) that I look like Gillian Anderson. I also looked for people that had similar face shapes and features similar to my husband and myself. I took the photo of my husband and he took the photo of me. We studied the positioning of the eyes and angles of the heads, lighting, and camera. I had a heck of a time selecting the jaw line from the neck since the camera angle definitely shows a lot of neck. After selecting the faces and layering them on top of the X-Files poster, I had to adjust the vibrance, color balance, and levels to get the blueish haze. My biggest help was the blending tool to smooth out the edges of mine and my husband’s faces to blend into the poster. I appreciated the value of layer masks! I had fun searching for the specific fonts and playing with the font options – kerning and point size. I have done next to nothing with photoshop aside from this class’s projects, but I am pretty proud of what I did! 🙂

Critique Report: Jolene Bullock and Pollyanna Reyes critiqued my project. They both told me that my project looked professional and unfortunately had no suggestions.

I critiqued Erika Martinez and Pollyanna Reyes.

Font Name/Category: The body copy is SF Movie Poster (san serif), Title is Assiduous (san serif), and the large, black X is The X-Files (decorative slab serif)

Sources: Original X-Files Poster. Movie description based off of the description here.


X-files poster with Leah and Daniel's faces photoshopped in.


6 thoughts on “10A Movie Poster Project

  1. kteelv says:

    My husband is a huge fan of the X-Files so when I saw your post I knew this was the one I should comment on. I think you did a great job on getting your face to match the sizing and shape of Skullys face. The shadowing that you managed to leave/add is really good.
    Here is a link to a fellow classmates blog: https://seattlebenson.wordpress.com/2016/11/17/10a-movie-poster-project-print-video/
    and here is a link to mine: https://katieodomblog.wordpress.com/2016/11/17/movie-poster-project/


  2. chris_trindade says:

    Oh… The X-Files!!! One of my favorite shows ever! You did a fantastic job on your poster. You guys really look like characters in the show and the set up of the poster is exactly the way an X-Files advertising material is supposed to be. Congratulations on a super well done job!


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